Welcome to my point of view! My name is Rosemary Stanton and I’m a photographer. Photography chose me at a very young age. I was around ten. I still remember the first time I held an SLR. I remember the season, the way the lighting looked, the outfit I was wearing. We were at my grandparents house. It was mid day and I was being nosey when I found this odd looking box in the attic. I remember holding it, moving it around, examining it. Wondering what it did. I showed it to my Mom and she said it was broken, I was devastated. I would hold my next SLR eight years later. With the same curiosity. I explain all this because this is one of the few vivid memories I have from my childhood. My sister and I still talk about how wonderful it was to grow up with our parents and each other. We are blessed. So thank you for looking in on me. I hope you like what you see. Say cheese!!!!!!!